Powerline Contest: Win $100,000

Do you want to advance the cause of liberty through art?

Do you also want to win $100,000?

Now, thanks to the good folks over at the Power Line blog, and the Freedom Club, you can do both!

John Hinderaker recently announced the Power Line contest: a $100,000 prize to the individual or group of individuals that can best dramatize the federal debt crisis.  According to the contest’s website anyone can enter (including corporations and advertising entities) and entries can be anything, from screenplays and videos, to Powerpoint presentations and essays.

The deadline is July 15, 2011 so get cracking!  We know here at AFL we will be working hard on an interpretive dance to illustrate the folly of our politicians and their inability to deal with the looming debt crisis.

Don't miss out!

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Former content marketing director and current libertarian novelist, wargamer, and bacon-recipe-tinkerer. Connect on Twitter or at my author website, JPMedved.com.

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